Life Sometimes Makes you Happy. “Good deeds are unforgettable, I always remember you and tell my children..” Osman Suleyman Yildirim.

From my facebook: A conversation:

The earthquake in Turkey, last week, brought back memories, to me and others who remembered me. I watched the mountain climbing club that I trained as a ‘rescue team’ in 1999 saving lives, in Turkey, now. Since 1999 my efforts in Turkey have saved 7,000 Turkish lives.

I thought that ‘it’ (the efforts that I made to save lives and teach others to save lives, in Turkey) was the third most satisfying act of humanity that God has blessed my life with.

Osman wrote to me, on Facebook ( and told me that he used my training to save a 9-year-old boy who was buried alive. It filled my heart with joy. He sent me a video, too. I didn’t know of this Turkish youtube video.

All I can say is “Thank you God”.

A previous blog will help to understand my 21-year commitment to saving the lives of the Turkish people and how they have the most humane ‘insurance Company’, in the world…Aksigorta-Insurance-Company.


On this election day, in the USA, there is a chance to ‘turn our world around, to a better direction. Let us do it. This update that will get the devil (greedy corporations who literally cause death to school children, to maximize profit) pissed off and attacking me again with Trumpian Lies directed at anything and anybody who does good…I never stop and never will. My own life is the least of my concerns…It is what it is and I am who I am.

Earthquake Turkey, Oct 2011,The Triangle of Life has Saved Lives Today. More Survivors Using The Triangle of Life Continue To Be Rescued. 1 Million People Trained by Aksigorta Insurance Company / AKUT NOT to ‘Duck and Cover.’

Here is Osman’s video link:

Saving a little girl buried alive. My heart soared to the sky after this impossible rescue.

About doug copp

Prior to 911, I was the most experienced rescue person, in the world. Permanently disabled from 911, I have changed my life-focus towards preventing bureaucracy and vested financial interests from causing the deaths of 200,000 children per year. I am promoting the belief that the lives of children are more important than American Insurance Company Shareholder profits. International Disaster Reduction Institute Institute of International Disaster January 2010 – Present (3 years 10 months)worldwide The world's most experienced Rescuer/Disaster Mitigation Management Expert , crawling inside of 896 collapsed buildings at 100+ disaster events during war, peace and revolution Plus a lifetime of High Adventure; including, an undercover cop. .At almost 3,000 serious life threatening events and the medical survival from enough toxins to kill 200+ people, I am probably the world's leading survivor, from death. Survival Scientist Linkedin Profile: Summary saving lives, reducing suffering. "You must not only be good. You must be wise and wise enough to know who is good." doug copp Sometimes it is NOT enough to do good things must be strong enough to endure the attack...that will follow; especially if you are trying to place children's lives ahead of USA Insurance Company Profits...crawling inside of 896 collapsed buildings helped to give me the courage that it takes; especially, considering that I have been sick every single day; since 911. FYI: USA Insurance companies oppose my 'triangle of life' survival method; because, 90% of the children would survive; instead of 98% dead. This translates into//actuarial tables indicate, survivor's seeking compensation for trauma (physical or mental) with a net result of diminished shareholder return. The insurance Company Executives told us: ” We are in the business of maximizing shareholder return..NOT..saving lives.” The USA School Boards have been told by their Insurance Carriers that their policies would be terminated or the premium would become extreme..if the children are allowed to survive, following my method. I tried to learn: I am responsible for 'what I do' and for 'what I do NOT do'. I am responsible for 'MY actions'. I am not responsible for what other people do. I discovered: that people never regret 'doing the right thing'. They only regret 'doing the wrong thing'. A life devoid of 'something worth dying for', is a life, 'not worth living'. Do all the living you can; while you can. 650,000 people died, at the major disasters I worked at..I have seen things that you cannot imagine. For all the persecution, hatred, violence and disgusting behavior that I have endured; in fighting against, evil, greedy bastards who exploited the helpless and preyed upon people..I am glad that I always did 'the right thing'. I always stood up; many times, by myself; but never alone.. If you can't be YOURSELF then who can you be?
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