Corona Virus. Let’s get real. If you want to know what will be happening before the news tells you. I’ll do it here. I have been publishing for people to wear a mask; since, March 6. All the suffering and loss of life could have been prevented. Wear a Mask!









Reposted from March:…..not for children to read..too scary..but all safe, be smart, be practical..if you don’t ‘deal with reality’ then ‘reality will deal’ with you. Share this link: Read from the bottom to the top for a timeline of updates.

This is an update that may save YOUR life. In every single country that I have ever worked, for 35 years, during major disasters, The Government has LIED. Sometimes they think that ‘it is a good lie’. most of the time it is a lie to ‘save their ass’. Some governments told people that they didn’t need to wear a mask. This is a lie. This is a lie that kills. The officials had a shortage of manufactured masks (They have no experience at major disasters to know that people always wear hand made masks or scarves, bananas (usually for dust-covered with bacteria from dead bodies.)) and wanted to keep them for medical staff. The truth could have been told, lives would have been saved, they should have told people what I published on March 13 (see below)

1) Problem: There are no masks available.

Solution: Use a silk scarf or even a nylon Canadian Flag. Cut it into strips (folded over to be double thickness.)

Understand that the virus is usually transmitted via the respiratory system of an infected person into the lungs of a non-infected person. The lungs emit microscopic water molecules into the air when you breathe. The virus cells attach to these water droplets to carry them thru the air. An uninfected person breathes in these water droplets and the virus comes with it. A scarf or piece of nylon can catch these water droplets on their outer surface and prevent them from getting into uninfected lungs.

Now, the most vulnerable people are grocery store clerks and funeral home directors. The bodies are NOT people anymore. They are pure concentrated virus and must not be refrigerated. They need to be cremated quickly because their bodies are a huge threat to the living.

In the movies: Do you remember the medieval siege of castles when they used catapults to toss the bodies of plague victims into the city to spread disease. The dead bodies have become lethal virus weapons. They must not be refrigerated. The MUST be cremated immediately.


Update March 29, 2020.

Upbeat/Update: Virus not all bad: These are very stressful times. The sun will shine…

In Canada, I expect that people will be ‘let out of their cages in June/July and that will lead to another wave of virus outbreaks in July/August. Be sure to buy seeds and fill your house to the roof with food/supplies.,, during that short break..before lockdown comes back again in August/Sept.

All disasters of every kind have both good and bad consequences. The object/goal is to maximize the good aspects and minimize the bad aspects. The planet earth itself is screaming that it needs to be better treated and more appreciated because we can’t live without it. The planet is breathing easier because of less pollution and less human destruction. From the planet’s perspective, the virus is helping the planet to survive. This Pandemic and global breakdown will last for generations in some countries like Italy. It will be a long hard time; however, in some countries like Canada, it will lead to a much better country where I expect more freedom, compassion, mutual understanding, and more humanity. Canada’s fast, effective and humane actions with a real humane/Intelligent Prime Minister will make us the envy of the world, in many post-vrus-world ways.

Overall, I expect a better world in many ways. The USA will be going thru Hell. I expect many waves with many deaths and an incredible amount of suffering. The people who survive the ordeal, in the USA, will have historical opportunities to change ‘America’ to be much more humane like FDR did in the last Great Depression. Or the opportunity will be wasted like George Bush jr did after 911/WTC. If Trump is replaced I expect a better world with National Health Care as a human right and many other improvements in the life of the average American. If Trump cancels the election and stays in power I expect America to be ‘flushed down the drain’.

My experiences around the world with disaster mitigations would lead me to expect that many more Americans will be casualties of ‘spinoff disasters’ than the actual pandemic waves.

Be safe, Pay attention and try to be as cheerful as you can. The sun will shine again.

March 22. 2020. Update for Mitigating the Corona Virus Symptoms: Help yourself. Nobody cares as much about you as you do.

Till there is a vaccine. This should be very effective in 80% of cases. If anybody can tell me that I am not understanding this problem with clarity or my ‘solution’ has an error or incorrect conclusion PLEASE inform me. I want to know everything possible about this problem.

I am going to create a post for poor and desperate third world people who never have access to manufactured prescriptions, healthcare or any commercial products of any kind. They are the never mentioned and forgotten MAJORITY of the people of this world. I always, help them first at major disasters. (I kept the President of El Salvador waiting while I was the only rescuer at the orphanage. The Colonel who was sent for me waited in his truck for 2 hours. President Duarte, later gave me an award for heroism, called his friend the CEO of TACA Airlines (to refund my airline ticket). Only 1 building was left standing at the Presidential Compound. The rest were filled with crushed victims.)

Of course, a ventilator is a mechanical device that removes Carbon Dioxide, pushes Oxygen under pressure etc, etc etc..BUT use my remedy if you have NOTHING..and 99% of people will have nothing..very soon. GET REAL! Welcome to my world. It is not a world of everybody gets picked up by an ambulance and taken to the ICU. It is a world of SAVE YOURSELF OR DIE. I HAVE LIVED IN IT FOR 35 YEARS…and if you do get better it will help you and allow you to suffer less. In most of the world they have nothing, never did have anything and never will have anything. Everybody doesn’t live in the pre virus paradise of Canada.

This is my possible solution: Take a pot of boiling water place a towel over your head and the pot and breathe the steam deeply. Ingredients: Tumeric, basil (Tulsi) and ginger root powder. Collectively they are anti-oxidant, anti-Rhinoviral (The rhinovirus is the virus that causes colds, flu etc) and are used in commercial expectorants to relieve congestion and mucus. It should have very positive results. My understanding is that ventilators are needed because people suffocate due to mucus ‘clogging’ the passageways that allow oxygen to enter our bloodstream via the respiratory system. The ventilators allow the victims to ‘breathe’ mechanically. This formula above will break up the mucus allowing Oxygen to enter the bloodstream. It will ‘boost’ the immune system to fight against inflammation, infection and thirdly to actually kill/destroy/weaken many viruses..especially the virus family called Rhinovirus.


March 17, 2020. Critically Important Update: To have the greatest impact on Stopping this Global Pandemic and Economic Disaster. I offer a solution. The more you mingle…. like previrus times..the faster the virus is eliminated.


I posted on my facebook page that I would give away free my invention to sterilize structures rapidly and 100 times more effective than the current process of spraying alcohol to kill the virus. Check it out.

I have 44 inventions/practical devices, in total (ever since I worked at a German Think Tank (DFVLR) at age 19 and constructed a ‘trigger’ for a laser satellite); however, 2 of them will have a shattering effect on mitigating the virus problem: I am giving them to charities, for free.

I propose: The charity/humanitarian will find a manufacturer, sign a contract and use their share of proceeds to do their charitable, humanitarian work. This is open to any charity, in any country that I have collaborated with during disasters and to any other charity of any and all countries; that can convince me that they will not exploit the profits; but will use them to stop the virus, save lives, help people and do good things. I want to make a point of not asking for a single cent for myself. My life is about saving lives, helping people and making the world a better place. I am different but I am real. I will be poor. I learned 40 years ago that money/wealth wasn’t enough, to satisfy what I wanted from my life.

Device 1) I have a device that I wear on my arm (armband). It is powered by a 12 v lithium battery which I keep in my pocket. I made this so that I would be able to go into public places that my extreme-severe 911 allergic reactions prevented me from going for many years without life-threatening respiratory failure leading to cardiac arrest. I came within seconds of death several times. Direct medical intervention was required to prevent my immediate death. I have used this for 4 years to allow me to go into areas like refineries (Interstate 10 thru Houston), smoke-filled bars (New Orleans French Quarter), perfume areas (Walmart) and a whole host of other life-threatening areas that would otherwise cause me to ‘cough up blood’, go into convulsions, in a minute….and ‘run away’ as fast as I could because my life depended on how fast I could get away from the ‘exposure’.

Here is the mitigation: It creates a 3 ft’ safe aura’ around the individual. It destroys all virus, bacteria and removes all toxins surrounding the individual. I am willing to go into a virus-infected area; such as a Hospital Ward of virus-infected victims without a mask to prove it. This can be filmed, judged and certified, by the Police of any country. I have used it with complete success for 4 years. It works.

The problem is that the best design that I could make balances power consumption and heat distribution, in such a way that it ‘burns out’ after 6 months. Size/weight/heat emission/emitter numbers/power consumption and ‘use time per charge’ need to be ‘balanced’ for practical functionality.

 Consequence: Everyone who wears it will destroy the virus everywhere they go. The more they mingle. The more the virus will be destroyed. This will eliminate quarantine, lockdown, and seclusion. The economy and lifestyle can return to pre virus conditions….and it will even reduce pollution and make people healthier. It will stop, the thousands of murders that will happen when poeple are ‘locked up’ under stress for months.

Patients and medical staff can breath pure air….virus free. I used this concept in the mobile Ebola Medical/Treatment Facility I designed 3 years ago. I will give this design away, ‘for free’ too.

Device 2) This device decontaminates a home, office, room. It will destroy all bacteria, viruses, fungus and eliminate pollution (They all turn to dust, cling together in ‘clumps’ and fall to the floor…I need to clean my glass TV Stand every day from the toxic fallout of my normal home. You would be stunned at all the crap that is suspended in the air of your home. It results in a  tremendous ‘boost’ to your immune system, to prevent all those toxins, viruses and bacteria from entering your bloodstream via your respiratory system.)

Let me be very clear, For the manufacturer: I will discuss with the manufacturers 3 options: 1) a design that uses primarily ‘off the shelf’  components that can be functional, quickly assembled and sold/assembled rapidly and inexpensively. 2) a design that uses ‘off the shelf’ components but requires more manufacturing. 3) A design that will require complete manufacturing. This will take more time, more cost and complete manufacturing. (Design 3) will use a spiral, in line, multi-emitter, array system. This will produce 100 times as many ‘virus busting’/emissions per watt of Design 1) and Design 2). Design 3 will look like a bazooka with a backpack rechargeable power supply. The manufacturer can choose to make all three designs simultaneously.

The charities and humanitarians should contact me. I will speak with the manufacturer’s technical department to provide them with construction/build details. It is not enough for me to provide a ‘car’. I need to teach them how to use/ ‘drive it’. In other words, I will create the video and user manual to maximize mitigation/functional applications. Anybody can wear device #1. Device 2 needs some simple explanations, for contractors and ‘handymen’.

Understand that these devices require skill and knowledge to construct because they use volatile components and high voltage (100,000 volts). If you don’t know what you are doing, when building/constructing/manufacturing it then it can kill you. Once, constructed with safety features it will be safe for the user…no problem.

I have been contacted by some humanitarians, in the Philippines. This is open…worldwide to the thousands of rescuers/fire departments/rescue teams/humanitarians that I have saved lives with and to every other ‘good person’ to facilitate humanitarian causes.

Again, I want to make a cristal clear point because ‘evil bastards’ will try to destroy anything that is good; I want absolutely nothing, for me.




If you cannot buy anymore ‘alcohol’ to sterilize then use vinegar, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, soap and water. All of these methods destroy the virus-cell wall. There are many ways to kill a virus.

The virus is a very fragile life form. It’s cell wall is easy to destroy. O3 is the best, high voltage electricity (100,000 volts) it explodes their cell walls High voltage between 2 terminals cause the air between the terminals to become unstable. The air is stabilized again when the unstable molecules ‘hunt down’ virus to destroy by neutralizing with the virus nucleus. In simple terms, the air blows apart a virus and doesn’t affect you. I have been doing this in my home and my body for 5 years. Medical professionals should get there face out of the PDR (Pharmacy Book) and use their brains to think. This is so simple.

Stupid people do stupid things..during a major disaster survival depends upon being safe, smart and practical. If you don’t pay attention you suffer or die…it is not complicated.

What next? Update March 16, 2020.

The Government of Canada is taking some very positive actions, very quickly. This Canadian Mitigation Effort is 100 times better than the USA; however, actions and ‘real plans’ must be made for the long term future. This virus is not going away soon. Canada still hasn’t shut down the non-essential traffic with across the severely ‘diseased/infected/plagued’ border with the USA. This is the single most important thing for Canada to do now.
Drive in check up sites, sterile gas stations, military portable hospitals ( I designed a mobile Hospital for treating Ebola Virus 3 years ago. I will give this to the Canadian Military for free.), the Canadian Military ships can have many useful roles, long term logistics of food for the general populations..etc etc etc need to be focused on now.
Most importantly it is necessary to shift from ancient/antiquated/obsolete and ineffective ‘alcohol based’ viral contact mitigation to use Unstable Oxygen Generators/ guns that will create and ‘blast the air or any surface or any room or any person with a non human toxic gas but will destroy/rupture the cell wall of the virus killing it instantly.
I will give the design to a manufacturer ( who contributes part of the proceeds to the relief of victims) I want nothing, for myself.

Update: March 15, 2020. I expect this to be the worst disaster in Human History. Can I be wrong? I pray to God that I am…but it is not realistic. The world that you knew 2 weeks ago will never return. It is gone. By the time this virus subsides in 1 or 2 years and eradicated in 40 years, the ‘virus itself’ will only cause 1/3 of the death, horror, nightmare of hellish suffering that humanity will suffer.

Who am I that you should listen to me?

I have been at a single disaster with 325,000 dead.

I have been in 3 cities without a single building left standing.

I have been in a city with 0 survivors..25,000 of 25,000 died.

I have listened to the screams of women being gang-raped all night long and the police scared to death to go outside.

I have listened to the screams and gunshots of people being murdered…all night long.

I have been at disasters where desperate people murder for a loaf of bread or a bottle of clean water.

I have slept next to a pile of many thousands of decomposing bodies with rats running in and out of the pile.

I have watched upon a giant open field filled with the flapping wings and the sounds of thousands upon thousands of vultures gorging themselves upon the ‘ripped apart corpses'(entrails and all) of thousands of dead victims. No horror movie has broadcast anything as bad as what I have actually witnessed.

Outside of a collapsed hospital, in Haiti, the Hospital Director had lost his mind. He was dressed like a regular Dr with a tie and a white cloak. He was a short man. He was nonstop tugging on my sleeve and repeating like a madman: “I need medicine. I need medicine. I need medicine…over and over and over…” as we were surrounded by many thousands of people  (with minor injuries like broken arms and broken legs.). They were all screaming in a collective shrill of agony and pain. There was no medicine. There was no water. There was no food. They all screamed until they died with no treatment. It was sheer horror….the rest of the story was worse.

I have stared into the night of a darkened city illuminated by thousands of piles of burning corpses…with the smoke of burning corpses lifting into the air.

I have crawled over squashed newborn babies, in a collapsed maternity ward, to save a crying baby.

I crawled  1 1/2 miles under the rubble of 911, searching every ‘nook and cranny’ all the way to the flooded subways. This was the ‘darkest most sinister’ place on earth.

I have seen rats eating the face of a teacher.

I have seen people drinking out of a sewer.

I have seen every kind of distorted, crushed, decomposing body.

I have crawled thru a classroom of children crushed under their desks to 1 inch thick.

I have been at disasters where thousands of people were driven insane and people stood like statues paralyzed until they dropped dead.

I have seen and experienced things that are impossible..many times.

I have experienced bad things at disasters like this one, will probably become…I could go on for an hour of the things that I have PERSONALLY SEEN nad EXPERIENCED…that is who I am.

I expect this to be far worse. During the last great depression/like this one is becoming: I will tell you that there will be champions of ‘goodness’ to emerge like Franklyn Delano Roosevelt and there will be villains to emerge like Adolf Hitler. There will be a battle there always has been at every one of the 100 plus major disasters that I have worked. It will be a battle between ‘good and evil’. Good people rush in to help. Bad people exploit the disaster.

In the 1999 Turkish Earthquake, a crowd was beating a man to death. A cop broke it up and asked what was going on. The crowd told the cop that this scum had cut the wedding ring FINGER AND ALL off the swollen dead body of a new bride, to steal her ring. The cop turned around and walked away..telling the crowd to do what they wanted. I have a million stories….

People who react to slowly pay the price with death and suffering. People who pay attention do better.

Canada has a leader, Justin Trudeau, who will do his best to do the right thing and the good matter how many naive mistakes he makes. Other leaders will exploit the disaster, for their own selfish ends. I will be greatly surprised if the USA ever has another election.

Hitler canceled elections in Germany after declaring a National Emergency; because a ‘jew’ burned the Reichstag…. 6 million dead jews and 50 million dead people later..we know how that worked out.

History repeats itself and ‘plagues’ normally wipe out half the population. This world with crowded cities…and many more negative contributing factors..will make it worse..not better. Before they were agrarian people then..they had food..they were isolated..they were self-sufficient. We have a thousand vulnerabilities that previous populations did not have.

The ‘wildfire’ of disease spreading across the USA will cause people to flee to the relative safety of Canada. Trump preventing testing to ‘keep his numbers low’ put a blindfold on a firefighter trying to stop YOUR house from burning to the ground Make no mistake about it. He already has blamed the disaster on his ‘jew’: the ‘fake media news’ and the’democrats’. What do you expect next? A spacecraft to land in front of the Whitehouse and an emerging alien to make the virus disappear…or Christ to return and save us all?

I know very well that reality can be extremely harsh. Yesterday, I had a feeling of destiny and purpose in life. I haven’t had that feeling; since my first disaster (Mexico City 1985) after I had saved the lives of 40 people. One doug copp went to that Mexico City Earthquake and another returned. Now, I know why God caused me to survive my 911/WTC injuries. I can see it coming…

I will write specific practical things to help you and your family to minimize your suffering and to survive.

Update: March 14, 2020. pm . Problems and Practical Solutions:

1) Banks: Atm’s. Understand that I cannot recall a major disaster, over the last 35 years, when the banks functioned. When shutdowns come: The Banks are closed. The last place you will want to go is to an enclosed ATM space. It will be full of viruses. Typically, If you do not have cash then you need to trade your watch or something that people will want.

The Atm’s get drained of cash, almost immediately and they are not filled.

During the earthquake in Kobe, Japan. The only grocery store open had practically nothing left; however, he wanted $11.00 for a single potato (It was black and half-rotten.). There are good people: I walked a block away and a man came running towards me. His grocery store had collapsed; however, he saw our rescue uniforms and demanded that we allow him to give us supplies from an alley, next to his store. We reluctantly agreed and he loaded us up with 2 weeks supplies (no charge.) We gave most of it away to half-starving people.

Disasters, bring out the best and the worst of humanity. It is always the same.

Update: March 13, 2020. pm . Problems and Practical Solutions:

1) Problem: There are no masks available.

Solution: Use a silk scarf or even a nylon Canadian Flag. Cut it into strips (folded over to be double thickness.)

Understand that the virus is usually transmitted via the respiratory system of an infected person into the lungs of a non-infected person. The lungs emit microscopic water molecules into the air when you breathe. The virus cells attach to these water droplets to carry them thru the air. An uninfected person breathes in these water droplets and the virus comes with it. A scarf or piece of nylon can catch these water droplets on their outer surface and prevent them from getting into uninfected lungs.

2) Problem: There is no toilet paper available.

Solution: I have a bidet. I do not need toilet paper. You can still buy a ‘bidet’ accessory for less than $60.

3) Problem: One of the most primitive, ignorant and ‘medieval’ (and deeply offensive to me) procedures to destroy the virus is to use ‘alcohol’ or a chemical to kill the virus. This kills 1/10th to 1/100th of the actual virus in the environment.

Understand that the virus is extremely vulnerable.

How? The exterior surface of the virus is unlike a human cell. The cell wall of a human cell is partially protected by producing ‘peroxide’. If a normal human cell comes into contact with unstable oxygen molecules (less than 10% concentration), O3, or ozone. …there is no problem. The unstable oxygen molecule becomes stabilized by turning the ‘peroxide’ into harmless ‘peroxidase’.

Virus cell walls do not have ‘peroxide’ when the cell wall becomes exposed to unstable oxygen molecules. The natural stability takes place by the unstable oxygen molecule ‘smashing’ thru the cell wall of the virus and forming a neutral bond with the nucleus of the virus. The instant that this takes place the virus is destroyed and turned into harmless dead matter. This is one of the five processes that I use in my devices to create an immunological paradise, in my home.

Bottom Line: All viruses are destroyed, by the gases penetrating every nook and cranny of your home or OPERATING ROOM, without any negative side effects.

Update: March 13, 2020-am.. The Virus is completely out of control, throughout the USA. The mitigation efforts are working blind. They have no idea how to implement a solution because they have no idea where to concentrate any resources or efforts. Test kits are unavailable..even if you are willing to pay $1,400.00 for a can’t get one.

 Nobody knows how many people are ‘carriers’ or where they are. If this level of incompetence continues then millions will die. Personally, I think it has already spread to millions.


Immediately, Canada must shut down the USA Canadian Border for tourism. Later, It may be necessary to completely shut down the border as Americans flee to Canada for relative safety.

Trump’s efforts to prevent testing, to keep the “numbers low” has devastated the mitigation efforts to stop a pandemic that may eventually kill millions of victims. He has hampered mitigation efforts in the same way as putting a blind fold on a firefighter trying to put out a fire. Is there no limit? Canada needs to protect itself from the harsh reality that he has forced upon the USA.

This is a routine for me. Great uncertainty. Panic. Bullshit. Nonsense and incompetence, stupidity and unfortunately completely predictable (for me) responses from bureaucracies. I  have been telling friends precisely what will happen next…..since, the beginning..of this.

Question: Doug, what are you doing to prepare for the worst-case scenario? ( Prepare for the worst and everything else is easy.)

Answer: Nothing.

Question: Why/how/explain : Nothing.

Answer: I saw it coming and prepared..before anything was ever public.

Question: How could that be?

Answer: I created the mitigation plan in the Gujarat earthquake which saved 250,00o lives from the plague which was implemented by one of the most brilliant organizational genius’s in the world (He was the man in charge of managing 7 Ministries, in the Indian Government..Sanjay Gupta.)..another evidential/proveable detailed story..which you can verify at or I am the most experienced and successful disaster mitigation/rescue expert, in the world with 150 videos and 2,000 documents to substantiate…bureaucrats hate me…I am real. I have no time or interest in bullshit. They hate me until I save them. I have saved bureaucrats from being ‘ripped to shreds’ by mobs, for 30 years.

Question: How did you prepare?

Answer: Check out my previous posts..

  1. I created an immunological paradise. I have 3 machines, of my own creation which destroy all bacteria, virus and toxins, in my home. They are on timers to keep my home pure. Nobody gets or has gotten the flu or a cold, in my home for 2 years.
  2. I have 3 freezers with food. I have 2 rooms filled with dry and canned goods for 6 months.
  3. I have multiple sources of heating and energy with back up systems.
  4. I have different currencies. I have ‘silver’ plain, silver coins (hard to counterfeit of US and Canadian origin).
  5. I have medications, supplies and capabilities to make my own, in my own lab for a year.
  6. etc..more..

Question: What is going to happen next?

  1. The governments will lie. They will tell you that they are prepared for everything. Reality: They are prepared for practically nothing.
  2. The virus should last the ‘normal’ virus cycle of 1 to 3 years.
  3. The shit has hit the fan. It doesn’t look good.
  4. When Government Officials realize…REALITY. They will freak out and panic.
  5. The USA is headed for a gigantic catastrophe. Trump will CONTINUE his plan to pretend that it is ALL fake news…lie his head nothing..let the virus spread..and then tell his idiotic supporters that it is NOT happening. Result: Canada is much better off than many countries…but it needs to shut the ‘tourism’ border with the USA.
  6. etc..etc..etc..more..

Question: What should Canada do?

There is a list of 40 things that I can think of ….off the top of my head..

Question: How bad is it?

Answer: Beyond the imagination. More than 1.5 million people have died at the disasters that I have saved lives at. This has the potential to greatly exceed the 50 million who died from the Spanish Flu.

Question: What is the most important mitigating factor to prevent his from turning into a plague that kills many millions of people?

Answer: Other than Divine Intervention which makes the virus disappear…The Government needs to ‘get real’.

Let me end by saying that I have risked my life more than 2,000 times, at more than 100 major disaster events. I am a humanitarian. If I told you how many lives that I have either directly saved or was a necessary condition in the determination of their would seem to be the biggest lie in the world…I find it incredible to believe and I am the one who did it.

I have never charged a single cent for the thousands of lives that I have saved. I am a humanitarian. I want nothing, I try to do ‘the right thing’. I prayed every time before I crawled inside of 892 collapsed buildings with a US Government (OSHA) statistical 60% chance of my own death. I didn’t pray for me. I didn’t ask God to protect me. I asked God to help me save lives and that I was willing to die, if necessary.


I am different..but I sure as Hell am real.

If anybody has any questions..or any member of any Government Agency wants to get a dose of practical reality to mitigate this potential…’ Armageddon’ ..No charge. I will give precise, detailed, practical, reality-based solutions that will maximize survivability and reduce suffering. Plain and simple.

Doug Copp from the front page of the Alameda Journal, San Francisco Bay. Doug appeared in hundreds of articles, in Bay Area newspapers. Doug’s inventions were showpieced, in the San Jose Museum of Technology. You can watch video of doug crawling into the collapsed Nimitz Freeway, during the 1989 earthquake by going to the video area at Bill O’reilly interviewed Doug Copp; as well as, Inside Edition, Good Morning America and many other programs. You can, also, watch the videos of Doug crawling inside the collapsed structures.

Maximize the good. Minimize the bad. Reality can be harsh. It doesn’t have much sympathy for people who don’t pay attention.

About doug copp

Prior to 911, I was the most experienced rescue person, in the world. Permanently disabled from 911, I have changed my life-focus towards preventing bureaucracy and vested financial interests from causing the deaths of 200,000 children per year. I am promoting the belief that the lives of children are more important than American Insurance Company Shareholder profits. International Disaster Reduction Institute Institute of International Disaster January 2010 – Present (3 years 10 months)worldwide The world's most experienced Rescuer/Disaster Mitigation Management Expert , crawling inside of 896 collapsed buildings at 100+ disaster events during war, peace and revolution Plus a lifetime of High Adventure; including, an undercover cop. .At almost 3,000 serious life threatening events and the medical survival from enough toxins to kill 200+ people, I am probably the world's leading survivor, from death. Survival Scientist Linkedin Profile: Summary saving lives, reducing suffering. "You must not only be good. You must be wise and wise enough to know who is good." doug copp Sometimes it is NOT enough to do good things must be strong enough to endure the attack...that will follow; especially if you are trying to place children's lives ahead of USA Insurance Company Profits...crawling inside of 896 collapsed buildings helped to give me the courage that it takes; especially, considering that I have been sick every single day; since 911. FYI: USA Insurance companies oppose my 'triangle of life' survival method; because, 90% of the children would survive; instead of 98% dead. This translates into//actuarial tables indicate, survivor's seeking compensation for trauma (physical or mental) with a net result of diminished shareholder return. The insurance Company Executives told us: ” We are in the business of maximizing shareholder return..NOT..saving lives.” The USA School Boards have been told by their Insurance Carriers that their policies would be terminated or the premium would become extreme..if the children are allowed to survive, following my method. I tried to learn: I am responsible for 'what I do' and for 'what I do NOT do'. I am responsible for 'MY actions'. I am not responsible for what other people do. I discovered: that people never regret 'doing the right thing'. They only regret 'doing the wrong thing'. A life devoid of 'something worth dying for', is a life, 'not worth living'. Do all the living you can; while you can. 650,000 people died, at the major disasters I worked at..I have seen things that you cannot imagine. For all the persecution, hatred, violence and disgusting behavior that I have endured; in fighting against, evil, greedy bastards who exploited the helpless and preyed upon people..I am glad that I always did 'the right thing'. I always stood up; many times, by myself; but never alone.. If you can't be YOURSELF then who can you be?
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