The Connection Between The B1 Steath Bomber and Preventing Earthquake Building Collapse… A New Thought for a New Year. Happy New Year.


I wrote this to promote some co-operation, research and collaboration; which will lead to lives being saved and prevent trillions of dollars lost.

Title: The Connection Between The B1 Steath Bomber and Preventing Earthquake Building Collapse… A New Thought for a New Year. Happy New Year.

‘Sinusoidal Waves’ of various forms have been the ‘playdough’ of my life and most of my 35 inventions.

Instead of the current methodology of preventing earthquake caused-building collapse; by absorbing (rubber shocks under foundation) or enduring (making the building stronger) the applied energy; presented by earthquake sinusoidal waves; I suggest a brand-new approach: deflect the waves.

Earthquake sinusoidal waves are like (common characteristics and behavior) any other types of waves. (I stood on the pavement of a street during the Northridge Earthquake, saw a wave coming in the pavement and jumped over it just like I did jumping over Beach Waves when I was a kid). All waves can be converted to various forms, amplified or diminished in amplitude. Their energy can be converted from physical material movement of matter to electricity, light, heat. It can be redirected. It’s impact on humans can be neutralized or even become a benefit. It is just a matter of discovering the path of solution.

For important buildings like Hospitals or Schools (let’s get real: Military Headquarters, The Presidential Palace, Nuclear Power Plants, Wealthy Estates etc ) how about building encasement, around the buildings, to deflect the waves before they actually ‘hit’ the protected building.

Face the deflecting encasements, in the direction of the usual earthquake epicenter source and deflect the earthquake waves; similar to, harbor break waters (for Ocean Sinusoidal Waves) and/or Stealth submarine and aircraft technology to deflect radar and/or sonar sinusoidal waves.

A practical Example that I have witnessed occurred in the Taiwanese Earthquake. On the epicenter side, of an underground rock formation; everything was destroyed.  The Earthquake waves were absorbed or endured. On the ‘protected’ side nothing was destroyed. The city of Taipei suffered insignificant damage because the earthquake waves were defected.

Doug Copp with Members of Russian Rescue Team during Taiwanese Earthquake.

Doug Copp with Members of Russian Rescue Team during Taiwanese Earthquake

A Taiwanese general Gave Doug Copp/ARTI the exclusive use of several helicopters, a5 ton truck, a 4 wheel drive and a generator tow vehicle watch the videos as we fly to the epicenter, doug copp goes 1 mile inside of the partially collapsed mountain, to the power station control room and we are encircled and film 13 simultaneous landslides all headed towards us.

A Taiwanese General Gave Doug Copp/ARTI the exclusive use of several helicopters,  a 5 ton truck, a 4 wheel drive and a generator tow vehicle. Watch the videos as we fly to the epicenter, doug copp goes 1 mile inside of the partially collapsed mountain, to the power station control room and  be awestruck as we are encircled and film 13 simultaneous landslides all headed towards us.

Structural Engineers, Civil Engineers, Scientists and Stealth Technology Designers should collaborate or learn more about the specific relevance of these subjects to preventing building collapse/loss of life.

In the future, earthquake energy can replace nuclear power plants and carbon-based sources. It is all possible. It is just a matter of finding the solution.

For now, let’s just start thinking a little bit about deflecting energy; rather than, absorbing it. Kind of like Benjamin Franklyn’s flying a kite, in the Electrical Storm.  The Electricity (lightening) hit the kite. The electricity went down the string until it reached the key. The key on the kite, took (deflected)  the electrical energy to ground and left him unhurt.

Deflect the energy away from you.

Deflect the energy away from you.

A’ real earthquake proof building’, is possible; if we deflect the energy, away from the structure.

Only time, effort and thoughtfulness are preventing us from implementing these solutions.

Thinking is the little used solution, to problems. Regurgitation of dogma can lead to a ‘dark room’. There is no shortage of idiots. The ‘Triangle of Life’ VS ‘Duck and Cover’ is a prime example of ‘thinking’ vs ‘idiocy’.

doug copp

About doug copp

Prior to 911, I was the most experienced rescue person, in the world. Permanently disabled from 911, I have changed my life-focus towards preventing bureaucracy and vested financial interests from causing the deaths of 200,000 children per year. I am promoting the belief that the lives of children are more important than American Insurance Company Shareholder profits. International Disaster Reduction Institute Institute of International Disaster January 2010 – Present (3 years 10 months)worldwide The world's most experienced Rescuer/Disaster Mitigation Management Expert , crawling inside of 896 collapsed buildings at 100+ disaster events during war, peace and revolution Plus a lifetime of High Adventure; including, an undercover cop. .At almost 3,000 serious life threatening events and the medical survival from enough toxins to kill 200+ people, I am probably the world's leading survivor, from death. Survival Scientist Linkedin Profile: Summary saving lives, reducing suffering. "You must not only be good. You must be wise and wise enough to know who is good." doug copp Sometimes it is NOT enough to do good things must be strong enough to endure the attack...that will follow; especially if you are trying to place children's lives ahead of USA Insurance Company Profits...crawling inside of 896 collapsed buildings helped to give me the courage that it takes; especially, considering that I have been sick every single day; since 911. FYI: USA Insurance companies oppose my 'triangle of life' survival method; because, 90% of the children would survive; instead of 98% dead. This translates into//actuarial tables indicate, survivor's seeking compensation for trauma (physical or mental) with a net result of diminished shareholder return. The insurance Company Executives told us: ” We are in the business of maximizing shareholder return..NOT..saving lives.” The USA School Boards have been told by their Insurance Carriers that their policies would be terminated or the premium would become extreme..if the children are allowed to survive, following my method. I tried to learn: I am responsible for 'what I do' and for 'what I do NOT do'. I am responsible for 'MY actions'. I am not responsible for what other people do. I discovered: that people never regret 'doing the right thing'. They only regret 'doing the wrong thing'. A life devoid of 'something worth dying for', is a life, 'not worth living'. Do all the living you can; while you can. 650,000 people died, at the major disasters I worked at..I have seen things that you cannot imagine. For all the persecution, hatred, violence and disgusting behavior that I have endured; in fighting against, evil, greedy bastards who exploited the helpless and preyed upon people..I am glad that I always did 'the right thing'. I always stood up; many times, by myself; but never alone.. If you can't be YOURSELF then who can you be?
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3 Responses to The Connection Between The B1 Steath Bomber and Preventing Earthquake Building Collapse… A New Thought for a New Year. Happy New Year.

  1. mike says:

    Interesting stuff doug..Ive read and watched some of your videos; promise to watch more..The triangle of life seems um.. well.. common sense, does’t it. its amazing that some don’t listen..

    • amerrescue says:

      Most of the world is now following the triangle of life. As in the past: The USA is last, to end slavery, to have universal health care…etc…etc..etc..Read my linkedin profile: saving lives, reducing suffering.

      “You must not only be good. You must be wise and wise enough to know who is good.” doug copp

      Sometimes it is NOT enough to do good things must be strong enough to endure the attack…that will follow; especially if you are trying to place children’s lives ahead of USA Insurance Company Profits…crawling inside of 896 collapsed buildings helped to give me the courage that it takes; especially, considering that I have been sick every single day; since 911.

      FYI: USA Insurance companies oppose my ‘triangle of life’ survival method; because, 90% of the children would survive; instead of 98% dead. This translates into//actuarial tables indicate, survivor’s seeking compensation for trauma (physical or mental) with a net result of diminished shareholder return.

      The insurance Company Executives told us: ” We are in the business of maximizing shareholder return..NOT..saving lives.”

      The USA School Boards have been told by their Insurance Carriers that their policies would be terminated or the premium would become extreme..if the children are allowed to survive, following my method.

      I tried to learn:

      I am responsible for ‘what I do’ and for ‘what I do NOT do’. I am responsible for ‘MY actions’. I am not responsible for what other people do.

      I discovered: that people never regret ‘doing the right thing’. They only regret ‘doing the wrong thing’.

      A life devoid of ‘something worth dying for’, is a life, ‘not worth living’.

      Do all the living you can; while you can. 650,000 people died, at the major disasters I worked at..I have seen things that you cannot imagine.

      For all the persecution, hatred, violence and disgusting behavior that I have endured; in fighting against, evil, greedy bastards who exploited the helpless and preyed upon people..I am glad that I always did ‘the right thing’. I always stood up; many times, by myself; but never alone..

      If you can’t be YOURSELF then who can you be?

  2. This is a great ppost

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